
How To Remove Clear Nail Polish

I feel actress cheerful and a bit sassy when flaunting pretty polish on my fingers. But, when those tips begin to chip and the pigment starts to peel, it's time to articulate away the mess. And guess what? I haven't been using smash shine remover to clean my nails. Instead, I've turned to nuts in my kitchen as I discover natural ways to remove smash polish.

Why Not Just Use Nail Polish Remover?

My risk into natural blast shine removers started out of necessity. When I didn't have any blast polish remover in the bathroom cabinet, I decided to get creative with what I had on hand to clean up my unsightly fingertips.

Once I started working with other methods to remove my smoothen, I realized a few things that I was happily missing out on. The odor of common acetone-based smash polish removers would sometimes requite me a headache. The US National Library of Medicine says, although acetone occurs naturally in plants, trees, volcanic gasses, and wood fires, animate in the solvent tin can sometimes cause adverse symptoms including nausea, eye irritation, and headaches.

Likewise, in my feel, commercial removers would leave my nail beds dry and brittle. That's because acetone in traditional boom shine removers can cause your nails to soften, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. With these factors in mind, I've decided it's best for me to go the natural route for my nail care.

colorful nail polish

5 Natural Ways to Remove Blast Smooth

If you lot're out of remover or want to try an alternating method of boom care, give these natural nail polish removers a try.

  • Vodka: Soak your fingertips in a shallow dish of vodka to soften the shine. Exist sure the liquor is deep enough to accomplish just over the cuticles. After a few minutes, use a soft washcloth to wipe away the nail color.
  • Toothpaste: A common ingredient in paste products is baking soda, which is also known equally sodium bicarbonate. This mild abrasive helps to remove plaque from our teeth while brushing. Information technology tin also cleanse your nails. Use a soft nail brush to massage toothpaste into your nail beds and loosen the polish. Then, rinse with warm water as you pare abroad the shine.
  • Hydrogen peroxide: This common cleanser used for cuts and scrapes can besides help to wash away that onetime manicure. In a shallow bowl, mix two parts of very warm water with one part of hydrogen peroxide. Then, permit your fingertips soak. After a few minutes, utilize a file to vitrify away the softened smoothen.
  • Lemon and vinegar: Pour two tablespoons of lemon juice in a bowl, then top it off with distilled white vinegar, deep enough to submerge your nails. Soak for v minutes, and so wipe away the polish with a soft cloth. This natural nail polish remover also works to dissolve devious color from the skin after applying a fresh glaze of nail shine.
  • Hot h2o and soap: When that boom color has to come up off, go scrub some dishes with hot, sudsy water. Prolonged soaking in hot water with a dish detergent present is sometimes all information technology takes to stop off that chipped manicure.

bottles of nail polish

Choosing a Nail Smooth for Your Needs

A few months agone, a girlfriend and I upgraded our cosmetics bags to limited-ingredient natural makeup products that better fit our eco-conscious lifestyles. One beauty production on my list was vegan nail smoothen.

As I shopped, I discovered many of the polishes that fit my personal criteria were also water-based. This means they can be removed with just water! Amazing, right? Afterwards a twenty-minute lingering soak in the bathtub with my hands submerged in warm water, the colorful water-based paint peels away like a sticker. So easy!

If you desire to make your boom intendance routine even more natural, consider water-based polishes when you're ready for a new hue.

You can also visit the Naturally Inspired Solutions board past @tomsofmaine on Pinterest for more means to make eco-conscious decisions with your routines.

Image Sources: Pexels | Angela Tague | Angela Tague

The views and opinions expressed in any guest postal service featured on our site are those of the guest author and practise not necessarily reverberate the opinions and views of Tom's of Maine.

Why It's Good

It is possible to greenish your manicure routine! You lot can cull polishes with ingredients that fit your personal needs and remove them with natural products institute in your pantry. This fashion, you can reduce your use of personal care products made with ingredients that may crusade irritation and help to protect the wellness of your nails and the skin around them.


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