How To Clip A Small Dog's Nails
Angela is a cat and dog lover who has fabricated special efforts to learn as much equally she can well-nigh the animals she cares for.

This guide will provide y'all with all the information you need to properly and safely trim your canis familiaris's nails.
ulisesbeviglia, CC, via Pixabay
Puppies are a huge responsibleness. You need to bathe your canis familiaris, protect your dog against toxins, brush their teeth, decide whether to get pet insurance, and clip their nails. Of these, clipping the nails often brings the most feet for the dog every bit well every bit the human.
Included are tips on how to concur the canis familiaris while clipping, how to prune the nails correctly, and what to do if you accidentally cut the quick and your dog starts bleeding.
Dog Nail Trimming Tips
Prepare Your Puppy for His First "Peticure:" It is platonic to brainstorm clipping your dog's nails while he is notwithstanding a puppy so that he is used to it by the time he is an adult. Sometimes this is not possible, but that doesn't mean you lot should forgo cut the dog's nails birthday. It may have longer to go them used to prune their nails, simply well worth it.
The well-nigh important function of preparing your dog is getting them used to touching their anxiety as well as extending out each claw individually. As they get used to this, progress to putting a picayune more pressure, until you lot take consummate control of their mitt, just as you would while clipping their nails. Anytime your dog gets agitated, pet him and praise him.
Once the dog allows you to handle his paws, bring out the clippers, and lookout man his reaction as you bring the clippers closer to his paws. If he gets agitated, concur the clippers nearly the dog for at least 30 seconds while praising and petting him. So repeat this pace the next day, until he is okay with the clippers. If he doesn't react or seems curious, and then it is okay to continue onto cutting the nails, which may take a couple of days to a few weeks before he is comfortable enough to let you clip his nails.
Typical Behavior and How to Handle It: When dogs are in a pack, they fight to be the alpha dog. Oftentimes, when trying to gain dominance—especially when they are afraid or nervous—they volition growl, seize with teeth, or nip to gain status. As you endeavour to cut his nails, he volition experience vulnerable; therefore, he may try to assert his dominance. Assuming your dog is not ambitious, by proving you are dominant can eliminate whatever growling and nipping.
Growling: If your dog tries to growl at y'all equally you lot clip his nails, then make information technology clear that growling is not adequate. They need to understand that y'all are the alpha dog, which can be done in several different means. I grab the scruff of his cervix and say, "no growl." You need to make sure your grip is business firm but not harmful. If your dog does not submit to this command, then yous may need to work on obedience with your dog. Through obedience classes, he will learn to be submissive to you, and will less probable endeavour to affirm his dominance.
Nipping: Another typical behavior your canis familiaris might show is to try to nip at the clippers or your paw. Nearly dogs are not trying to seize with teeth you, but show you that they do not want you near their paws. In that location are a couple of techniques y'all may desire to do.
The beginning is to detect a distraction, such as treats. My domestic dog resisted any endeavor at a treat. Every bit shortly as I got virtually his paws, he didn't intendance how yummy the treat was; he did not want me near his anxiety. In this instance, peanut butter is an ideal lark, because it takes them a while to swallow information technology, plus they love it.
When I offset began clipping my dog'southward nails, I did non know the peanut butter method; therefore, I chose to use a muzzle. Go on in mind, a domestic dog does not like a muzzle, and should non accept it on for an extended period. On a side notation, a cage should never be used to keep a dog from barking, but only as protection for themselves or others. When cut your domestic dog's nails, it will have less than five minutes, which is an adequate amount of time to leave a muzzle on a canis familiaris without being cruel. The domestic dog will still try to nip at you, but they will be unable to. After several months with the muzzle, I now can easily clip his nails without whatever method of lark, accept praise and pats.
How to Trim a Dog's Nails
Distracting the canis familiaris is merely a portion of what you demand to know to prune the dog's nails. You need to exist able to hold its manus firmly without causing harm. When you printing slightly down on the manus, their claws will extend.
Dogs who have white nails, it is very piece of cake to see the quick. The quick is the pink section of the nail. If cutting, then the claw will bleed, considering it contains veins. You lot must exist prepared ahead of time in case this happens. Delight read the section about if the quick bleeds after on in the article.
Dogs with darker nails are much trickier to run into where the quick is. You lot tin can tell where information technology is past how the boom curves. When the nail starts to arch downward is where the quick ends. If you lot are unsure, only clip a petty fleck off at a fourth dimension. Once the blast is short plenty, you lot will see a dot at the tip of the nail that signifies y'all have reached the quick. Any farther will cause pain and haemorrhage.
Some believe that the more you prune the dog's claws, the shorter the quick becomes. I am unsure if this is truthful, but information technology does brand sense, which would indicate that it is a good idea to trim their nails often; I recommend at least in one case a month. Some cull to do this once a calendar week when they bathe their dog.
Read More From Pethelpful
How to Hold a Canis familiaris While Clipping Their Nails
Many people can fix the dog on a counter or table, and so the dog'south nails are close up, and they can get at them thoroughly. Others will get downward on their level. I choose a very different method with my small domestic dog that makes it quick and painless.
Tuck and Dangle Method Used for Smaller Dogs: In some ways, pocket-size dogs are easier than larger dogs when trimming their nails, due to their weaker condition and smaller size. Unfortunately, pocket-sized dogs can easily slink abroad and are more apt to nip at you while clipping their nails.
One method that works well, particularly to get the front paws, is the Constrict and Dangle Method. You tuck your puppy under your armpit, and so his legs are loose, but his torso is firmly tucked under your armpit. He volition feel vulnerable in this position, making him more than docile and willing to allow yous to prune his nails. The dog must exist small enough that you will not accidentally driblet him.
Once your dog is securely under your arm, take the front paw and clip just the very tip of the bespeak off. It should accept less than ii minutes to get all the front claws. The dorsum feet will be trickier, simply not incommunicable from this position. Ideally, you could take someone else become the back paws in this position. If non, place the canis familiaris in your lap, and use the aforementioned method used for a larger domestic dog, which is explained next.
Headlock Method: This is an splendid method for most dogs that volition non stay even so while clipping their nails. Larger dogs may crave a 2nd person to help you lot prune its nails: one to hold the dog still, the other to cut nails. One of yous place the canis familiaris in forepart of yous and tuck his caput in your armpit, so your dog'south confront is pointing behind you. The person holding the canis familiaris should talk very soothingly to the dog and pet him.
If there is a 2nd person, they should quickly prune the dog's nails. With smaller dogs, one person should be able to practise this with ease. I can cut my dog'southward back claws in less than two minutes with this method.

Before you begin clipping your dog'south nails, you will desire to have a solution that volition stop the bleeding—merely in case yous cut the quick.
Elf, via Wikimedia Commons
Bleeding Canis familiaris Claw: What to Practise When You Cutting Toenails Too Short
Before you begin clipping your domestic dog'south nails, yous volition want to accept a solution that volition finish the bleeding. I utilise Nail-Safe Styptic Pulverization, another favorite of many is QuickStop Styptic Powder.
If the dog'due south boom begins to bleed, immediately place the styptic powder on the nail, and be sure to cover the entire smash. Then, accept a cloth or several paper towels and press firmly on the paw until it stops bleeding. Practice not check on the progress of the bleeding, because this may take away the cells that are forming the clot. If he bleeds through rather than supplant the material, add another ane over it to allow the jell to develop well. Usually, one minute is sufficient, just I would recommend leaving it on for a little longer if your canis familiaris allows.
Throughout the process, the most critical part is to remain calm. Dogs are much similar children, in that if you get excited, they will become upset.
You can purchase styptic pulverization at most pet stores. I buy mine at a shop that clips the dog's nails professionally.
If you are unable to find styptic powder, you tin employ corn starch instead. I am unsure of the effectiveness of this since I have chosen to stick with styptic powder. One drawback of using cornstarch is dogs volition want to lick it off.
This article is accurate and true to the best of the writer'southward knowledge. Information technology is non meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized communication from a veterinary medical professional person. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should exist seen by a veterinarian immediately.
© 2012 Angela Michelle Schultz
Phyllis Holton on July sixteen, 2020:
Our pugs too screamed their heads off during nail clipping even at the vets. Merely the job has to be washed and at present that they have had it done regularly and are use to it they are no problem at all. They accept fully accepted having it done at domicile.
Nikki on September 22, 2018:
My pug wiggles tries to get away and screams bloody murder when getting his nails trimmed. He is so bad that even the vet techs can barely get through it. Information technology takes ii to hold him and one to clip. He is 5 and it has been this way since he was a pup.
C dog on July 28, 2018:
She mentions everything except how to clip the nails!!!
Beth on January 19, 2018:
Crawly info!!! My new 8 month onetime 45lb canis familiaris is very well behaved but won't stay still and herder nippy. I think the peanut butter may exercise the trick (and a 2nd person). Cheers!!!!
Angela Michelle Schultz (author) from United States on July 31, 2012:
Thank you!
Ann1Az2 from Orange, Texas on July 31, 2012:
Very skillful information here and interesting, as well. Well done. Voted up.
Dianna Mendez on July 30, 2012:
I don't take a dog, simply if I exercise get one some day I will keep this great information in mind. I do have a sister who trims her dog'south nails equally yous suggest and he is a very happy pooch!
Angela Michelle Schultz (writer) from United States on July 29, 2012:
That'south skillful to know, I'm glad to hear that. Have you tried someone holding him in the headlock concur while you click his nails.?
Susan Zutautas from Ontario, Canada on July 29, 2012:
Fantabulous tips for how to trim a dogs nails. I accept no problems trimming my female dogs nails merely my male does not similar to have his feet touched by anyone. Because he is around 160 pounds I find it impossible to agree him. I become someone else to practise it for me.
When I worked for a groomer/kennel we would use corn starch and it really does piece of work.
Angela Michelle Schultz (author) from United States on July 28, 2012:
You lot would need to take it slow, so she gets used to you existence around her paws.
Judi Chocolate-brown from UK on July 28, 2012:
Until now our kind vet nurse has trimmed our dog's nails, but I proceed thinking that I must acquire how to do information technology myself. Reading your hub, I don't have an excuse non to! Having said that, she is a big girl (Airedale Terrier) and knows her own listen - we could be in for a rocky fourth dimension...
Angela Michelle Schultz (author) from U.s.a. on July 28, 2012:
Dawn Morrison that is a really adept proposition. Thank you for sharing information technology with me.
Angela Michelle Schultz (author) from United States on July 28, 2012:
Sharyn, my domestic dog was pretty horrible at showtime also. That'south how I came upward with several of those tips. I do believe there are the canis familiaris'southward that demand to be brought to a professional that has the correct tools. There is a place downwards the street from me that only charges 5 dollars. That's a really good bargain and worth information technology. But I adopt to do information technology myself to salvage the v dollars a calendar month. Epecially since I've learned how to keep my domestic dog calm while doing information technology.
With the muzzle which I should probably explain in the article, they will bbe a lot like a horse who is getting a saddle on for the get-go time. Y'all kind of take to allow them get their anger out of their system kickoff. Then they become used to it. The more they vesture information technology, the more than they get used to information technology.
adawnmorrison from The Midwest on July 28, 2012:
Neat Hub! I do utilise cornstarch, and information technology works pretty well. I suggestion I would requite people who take dogs with white/clear nails is that having a strong lamp or taking them out in the sunlight makes the quick much easier to come across. Of class, if they have black nails, you accept to "shave" the nail off in tiny increments, just every bit you said, until you see the terminate of the quick. My chihuahua has clear nails and doesn't mind having his nails trimmed, so I can get information technology done in a few minutes. My schnauzer has blackness nails and has severe anxiety over annihilation involving preparation. We usually try to have him for a long walk before trimming his nails or giving him a shave so he has less free energy to wrangle with us.
Sharon Smith from Northeast Ohio U.s. on July 28, 2012:
I have been through the nail trimming "process" on dogs and cats many times. For me, it's not as easy as it seems. Currently my Dad's canis familiaris is so horrible anytime yous get near his paws. I accept tried a muzzle which really makes him scared and angry. And my cats give me a actually hard time as well. I always have to inquire someone else to hold them while I clip. It ends up beingness a big process. I take no doubt this is considering these animals are rescues and are not used to this and as well, it wasn't started when they were babies. I appreciate the information and tips.
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